I have an update here on how my skin is doing following my first microneedling session at home. I have tried to take photos to keep you posted on any progress or changes. When it comes to taking horribly close up photos, I made a mistake by moving my whole camera setup to a different location. So, the lighting and settings are all different and every single detail like that, makes such a difference in how the photos look if I am trying to compare them side-by-side. I have tried to do everything possible to make them as similar as possible.
Lastly, with all photos on my site, the only editing I do is basic cropping and adjusting the lighting to make it as similar as possible. Thank you guys for your patience. From now on, I will be doing updates where the photos are spot on similar, taken in the same location with the same setup and lighting. A change in lighting can make the skin look so much better or so much worse…you have no idea. I just want it to be accurately represented to share with you guys. So, from now on – the photos will all be taken in the same location, same settings.
Updates! Here you can see my 10 years of anti-aging skincare treatment results and before & afters. Check out all of my skincare posts.
Skin’s Overall Condition after One Treatment – The Weeks Following It
A week to two weeks after the first treatment, my skin looked rejuvenated and more plump as well as even-toned. Hair growth on my eyebrows was fast and furious within the first two weeks, then began to slow down. I will share 2 1/2 month update photos for the eyebrows in another post. The only makeup I am wearing in these photos is a little eye makeup. In the last three photos it almost looked like I was wearing makeup but I am not. I am not used to my skin being so evenly toned. Some days my skin is red like the first photo, other days my under eyes are puffy. But, around 2 1/2 weeks my skin was looking very improved. The lines I have on my forehead, which aren’t too bad to begin with, currently don’t look very improved. But, the main one in the middle might be slightly lighter.
Hi there! I was just wondering if your under eye area might have already improved a little? My problem area is under the eyes too. I start getting fine lines there, it might come from always having puffy eyes too. So I would be really interested if you might have noticed an improvement there? How often do you repeat the treatment? I heard people saying they are doing it every 4 to 6 weeks but I read an article of a dermatoligist saying that once a year is enough. What do you think about that? Thank you for sharing your… Read more »
Which microneedling device did u use.
Dr pen or rejuvapen?