Rogaine Before & After Photos – Hairline – 5 Months

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My Experiment


11-8-23: Began using Rogaine (Minoxidil).

  • For the first 3 months of treatment, I applied it 1x nightly about 5 days a week.
  • For the following 2 months, I only used it 2-3x per week, applied 1x nightly. On alternative days, a few x/week I would apply an essential oil mixture.

4-2-24: Stopped Using Rogaine & Now Only Using Essential Oil Treament

  • Applying essential oil mixture 1x nightly, around 5x per week. I apply it in the morning sometimes too, so 2-3x per week in the morning.


2 Month Update: Check out my 2 Month Rogaine (Minoxidil) Results here

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My 5 Month Results

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Before - After

After 5 Months of Using Minoxidil

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Before - After

After 5 Months of Using Minoxidil

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Products I’m Using

2% Liquid Rogaine

I’ve been using the 2% Rogaine, which I bought from Amazon here. I’ve heard that the generic ones are fine too. I bought the 3-pack as it seemed cheaper than buying a single bottle. I purchased the liquid version and for some people this version can cause dryness on the area applied. I haven’t had too much of a problem with that, as I apply so little. In general though, I tend to have dry scalp issues and I’ve found that this cleansing oil product has mostly fixed that for me. For the application, I use two q-tips dipped in the solution. I’ve barely used one full bottle in the first two month period.

Essential Oil Mixture

For the essential oil mixture I’m using, I bought a dropper bottle and I pour in about 2 TB of organic avocado oil (here or here), as the carrier oil, then I add to that: about 20 drops of peppermint oil, and 20 drops of rosemary oil. The essential oils I purchased are organic and came in a big set here. I don’t like the rosemary scent but the peppermint completely overpowers it, so that’s all I really smell from it.

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Essential Oils for Potential Hair Growth

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There are numerous research studies that have shown some efficacy of certain essential oils for hair growth. In this mouse study, a 3% peppermint oil applied topically resulted in faster hair growth than Minoxidil 2%. Although it was effective in this mouse study, it doesn’t mean it will be effective for humans, so further research is needed. It does provide us with valuable insights so you can decide if you want to experiment with essential oils for hair growth or not.

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The mice were separated into four groups of 5, they were shaved, and they were treated for four weeks total.

The first group was treated with a saline solution, the second group was treated with jojoba seed oil, the third group: Minoxidil (Rogaine) and the fourth group: peppermint oil diluted with jojoba seed oil.

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See the profound hair growth on the peppermint oil group to the very right.

The Minoxidil (Rogaine) group to the left of it showed less consistent growth.

The peppermint oil group showed notable increases in dermal thickness, follicle number, and follicle depth.

According to the study author, “We found that PEO remarkably promoted hair growth compared to SA and JO, even faster than MXD.”


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Warnings & Controversies

Important Pet Toxicity Warning

Toxicity to Pets: Minoxidil is said to be extremely toxic to cats and dogs. According to research, “Clinical signs occurred in dogs and cats even with low exposure amounts, such as drops or licks. In patients that developed clinical signs, most developed moderate or major illness (56.0% dogs, 59.7% cats). Death occurred in 8/62 (12.9%) cats that developed clinical signs after the pet owner’s minoxidil use.” This was based on a research review on 211 cases.

Side Effects: Irritation and dry skin are a common side effect, but not serious. If you have heart disease, consult with a doctor before using. Check out all warnings here.


Indefinite Use Controversy

In general, it is thought that after you stop using Rogaine, you’ll lose all the gains you had and be right back where you were before you started the treatment. So in that sense, people feel that they need to use this indefinitely.

A research paper from the late ’80s stated that “Approximately one-third of the treated patients will obtain terminal hair growth using a 2 to 3% solution twice a day.” Terminal hair is thick coarse hair, whereas vellus hair is fine, thin hair often known as peach fuzz. “Patients should receive treatment for a minimum of six months to evaluate the drug’s efficacy. Factors associated with patients who obtained new hair growth include: a thinning versus absolute baldness, treatment initiated at a relatively younger age, and hair growth noted within three months. Following a positive growth response, there may be a reduction in new hair growth gained with minoxidil use for more than one year. Stopping the medication is associated with an exacerbation of hair loss.”

Certain treatment areas also tend to do better long-term, though I don’t believe there is research on this. For example, many men who have used Minoxidil for beard hair growth, then stopped using it fully, have retained much of their hair growth and still have it years later. There are many groups online sharing stories like this. This is something I want to explore with my experiment. After receiving maximum hair growth, at some point, I will likely stop using the product in order to see what happens and if I retain the hair that grew in. It’s all for science!



Minoxidil Before and Afters: Hairline Growth in Only 2 Months
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Thanks for sharing this. Great results so far.

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